Review: The Wellness Insider Subscription Box

Hello beautiful girls,

Today I would like to share about a new subscription box health-conscious peeps might be interested in. It’s called the ‘Wellness Box’! Curated by The Wellness Insider, it is your secret partner in the journey to a healthy lifestyle, quietly supporting you on the side with surprises and treats.

Wellness Subscription Box with a social cause

At just $20/month, you will received a box valued at over $150. It is available at the Wellness Store and can be unsubscribed at any time. The good thing about this box is that it is done in partnership with a social enterprise, which means that part of the profits are donated to charity! 6% of your total spending is donated to Animals Lovers League and Down Syndrome Association (Singapore), and that makes shopping meaningful.

Every 15th of the month, the box is couriered to your doorstep, containing wellness goodies from the following categories:

  • Food
  • Fitness
  • Beauty

Your box will be personalised after 3 months of getting boxes in each category. After 3 months, you will do a survey and your preferences will be go into customising your subsequent Wellness Boxes. I’m sharing a peek of the July/August 2017 general mixed-category box.

I’m loving the food category!

This month’s box contains several coconut-based products to ensure you get well-nourished with ample vitamins.

An overview of the box shows a full-sized drink, a couple of sample-sized food products, sample-sized beauty products, and tons of discount vouchers. The discount vouchers are for beauty treatments like manicures/pedicures and spa treatments, which I probably won’t be using.

For me, I was instantly attracted to the food products. Haha I may be skinny but I am a glutton in disguise! Even so, there are still ways to eat healthy :)

COCOMAX is made from 100% Thai coconut water with no sugar added. With 5 natural electrolytes – Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Calcium – it hydrates and freshens up your body better than plain water.

I have no qualms with eating brown or red rice, so this sample-sized Naturel Organic Hom Mali Mixed Brown and Red rice is a pleasant welcome. I’m imagining rice with pan-fried salmon, and garlic stir-fried broccoli florets. Yum!

There’s also Coco Veda Coconut Sap Sugar. It has a low Glycemic Index (GI), making it a good alternative to artificial sweeteners for diabetics. The sugar also has a natural flavour that adds a deep caramelised taste to any beverage or food.

Here I had it with my cold brew chamomile tea! Coco Veda’s products will be available in the Wellness Store real soon. :)

I think it’s really great to have healthy alternatives sent to your doorstep every month. The surprise factor motivates you to keep on track with your fitness targets and goals. For example, I would reward myself with COCOMAX after an evening run, or start my day right with Coco Veda Coconut Sap Sugar in my morning English Breakfast tea. And needless to say, the Naturel Organic Brown/Red rice will be perfect for a low-fat, low in sodium, home-cooked lunch. Thank you Wellness Insider!

Subscribe to your Wellness Box from the Wellness Store today!

About The Wellness Insider

The Wellness Insider is a platform to help you achieve body confidence through our curated opinion, services and products from the experts themselves.

Every Tue, we will interview some of these experts in our ‘live’ show called Melissa’s Table Top Talk where you can interact and get your questions answered.

We also have weekly Expert Views, where professionals give their views and facts on fitness.

For more information, please visit: Website | Facebook | Instagram

(Disclaimer: Box was sent for my review. No monetary compensation was received.)

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